Community Development
Community Development Officer for Cork Denis Kelly
Tel 021 4500688 Mobile 0872034876 8 Sidney Place Wellington Road Cork email
To all groups affilliated to Muintir na Tire -Have your officers changed? .Update your contacts Here . Community Group Contact details
Provides a permanent structure for co-ordinating developments within a community
Provides leadership to a community
Community Representation and Local Accountability.
Increases a community’s capacity to take control of its own development
Totally inclusive and involves all members of the community
Completely responsive to local needs
Increases the community’s potential to access funding for development projects
Provides greater legitimacy and credibility to a community when dealing with government
departments and funding agencies
Muintir Community Councils in County Cork have access to:
The national organisation’s charity exemption number
Membership Of The National Organisation.
Links to other Community Councils
Membership of regional Forums
Access to and support of Development Worker.
Information and advice on a range of issues facing Community Groups.